Multiple Forms
Xojo Version 2021 r3.1
XOJO allows you to create projects with Multiple Forms/Windows
Adding a New Form to your XOJO project
- Click on Insert > Window
- The window will appear in the Navigator on the Left
- To change the name of the window/form click on it in the Navigtor
- In the properties panel under Info, give it a name
Hiding and Showing Forms
You can show and hide the forms in your program with XOJO's built in functions.
- .Hide - hides the current form but keeps it memory
- .Show - displays the form
'hide the Menu form
'show the Hello Form
Copying data between forms
You can copy values frm one form to another using "dot" notation and pre-fix the data with the form name.
'take the name entered into the textboxtxtName on Form2 and assign the value to txtName2.text
txtName2.text= form2.txtName.text